Anki Decks
Kaishi 1.5k
Kaishi 1.5k is a comprehensive Anki deck designed specifically for beginners learning Japanese vocabulary. The deck employs an innovative format where target words are highlighted within example sentences, allowing learners to grasp both vocabulary and contextual usage simultaneously. The modular structure enables users to customize their learning experience according to their preferences and proficiency level. The deck's thoughtful organization, featuring words prominently displayed before their example sentences, facilitates efficient review sessions as learners progress in their studies.
Kanji radicals for Kaishi 1.5k
The Kaishi Elements deck is a supplementary learning tool designed to break down Japanese kanji into their constituent parts, featuring 269 foundational elements. The deck strategically aligns with the Kaishi vocabulary deck, indicating when each element first appears and emphasizing that learners will master half of all elements within the first 250 vocabulary words. Elements are carefully annotated, with starred entries indicating commonly used kanji and fictional meanings provided for abstract components to aid memorization. The deck deliberately omits kanji readings to maintain focus on visual recognition and structural understanding. The systematic approach emphasizes pattern recognition over strict memorization, enabling learners to develop a natural understanding of kanji composition as they progress through their studies.
JLAB's comprehension deck based on Tae Kim's grammar guide
This deck is a comprehensive beginner-level course that integrates authentic anime dialogue with structured grammar instruction based on Tae Kim's grammar guide. The deck methodically introduces new concepts, limiting each card to one grammar point or vocabulary item, while providing authentic context through carefully selected anime sentences drawn from a vast database. The course emphasizes listening comprehension and requires no initial reading ability, making it accessible to complete beginners. Each card includes focused grammar explanations with links to additional resources, and a question feature enables learners to seek clarification when needed.