
Play live stream


How do you do that?

I buy a lot of vinyl records and when I feel like it, I record a selection of tunes. I quickly edit the mixes and upload them to a server I rent. A couple of software are used or were written along the way to streamline the process.

It's not always music, what's the other stuff?

There are a few interludes streamed. They come from samples of videos I think are interesting.

What is the tech stack?

This whole thing can exist only because a tremendous amount of people create tons of great software.

  • [liquidsoap](https://liquidsoap.info/) for programming the stream
  • [Icecast](https://icecast.org/) for streaming
  • [Eleventy](https://www.11ty.dev/) for this website
  • [SQLite](https://www.sqlite.org/index.html)
  • [Docker](https://www.docker.com/)

Help! The stream is glitchy

It can happen on mobile and I haven't yet found the correct fix. The best thing is to refresh the page.

How can I support Harmonique?

If you're considering supporting Harmonique, here is a few example of what you can do:

  • You can share the website URL to your friends and family.
  • You can send us a tip (click the tip button above)
  • Record yourself saying something like "I listen to Harmonique radio" in your native tongue. It will be used as an interlude.
  • If by any chance you're into typography, let's talk :)