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Counter-Print Books

I've let my passion for graphic design slide for far too long, and now I'm on a mission to rekindle that flame. A finely crafted design has always had the ability to catch my eye in a way nothing else does. I'm incredibly thankful to have stumbled upon some stellar graphic design books from UK publisher Counter-Print during a casual wander through a museum library. I snagged two books: Optic, and Colour Clash.

Optic zeroes in on the optical effects in graphic design, exploring techniques that were first pioneered in the 1960s.

Colour Clash explores unexpected colour palettes that, against all odds, just work. It's a concept that's somewhat elusive to me since, in my mind, this is how things should naturally be.

These books? Pure visual and intellectual candy. They're a rich well of inspiration, creativity, and joy.

Graphic Design infiltrates every aspect of our lives, and I'm convinced we'd all benefit from a higher standard of it. The aesthetic of the web has disappointed us in many ways. Just like a city can embody a unique design signature, I'm eagerly awaiting the dawn of a bolder era in web design.

posted by marc.in.space in
  • books
  • graphic design