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Technics SL-1210 Mk7 & SL-1210 Mk2 measurement comparison

Searching for information on the differences between the SL-1210 MK7 and SL-1210 MK2, I found this forum post and linked article (in greek). 

  • Rotation Quality
    • Mk7: Excellent rotation quality (0.036% IEC, 0.036% NAB).
    • Mk2: Close but varied (0.297% IEC, 0.032% NAB) due to arm suspension tolerances.
  • Rotation Accuracy
    • Mk7: High accuracy with modern direct driving but less precision than a micrometer setting.
    • Mk2: Similar high level with a slight difference (0.137%).
  • Wow & Flutter
    • Both Models: Similar W&F variations over time, staying within [-2, +2] seconds.
    • Average W&F: Mk7 at 0.072%, Mk2 at 0.079%.
    • Peak-to-Peak W&F: Both at 5%.
  • Frequency Analysis
    • Low Frequencies: Both show very low coordination levels at -60dB.
    • Higher Frequencies: Mk7 around/below -100dB, Mk2 slightly different but similarly low.
  • Rumble
    • Mk7: Very low rumble with minor tuning spikes.
    • Mk2: Similar low rumble with minor frequency differences.
  • Signal Reproduction
    • Harmonics: Both models show the second harmonic at -40dB, with Mk2 having lower noise levels up to 2kHz.
    • Higher Harmonics: Mk2 changes slightly above +6dB.
  • Frequency Response
    • Low Frequencies: Focuses on 20-30Hz range.
    • Higher Frequencies: Minimal differences above 100Hz.
    • Acoustic Feedback: Mk7 has improved isolation, particularly in the 50-80Hz range, due to changes in materials and support points.
  • Percussion Response
    • Both Models: Good compatibility with Denon's head, with Mk2 showing slight instability due to tolerances.
  • Conclusion
    •  Both models are similar with small measurable differences.
    •  The Mk7 maintains high quality and performance, despite cost reductions, while nearly matching the older Mk2 model's performance.
posted by marc.in.space in
  • Turntable
  • Technics SL1210