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Sorry To Bother You

I can't remember how I heard about Sorry to Bother You but I'm so glad this movie crossed my path.

This surreal production touches on a myriad of subjects with an intelligent lens: Black identity, big-corp America, private labor camps, transhumanism, political activism, class defection, social networks absurdities, and more that I can remember of.

The mix of science-fiction and absurd is brilliant. Just like Idiocracy can be pretty brilliant as well.

I deeply enjoyed LaKeith Stanfield's performance (who was already great in Atlanta). The way he moves through the entire movie is refreshing and rare.

Also a special mention to the OST composed by Tune-Yards. There's even a track with Lyrics Born & Lateef the Truthspeaker. Oh, the joy!

posted by marc.in.space in
  • movie
  • comedy

Los Caminantes

The guy known as Bald and Bankrupt (a travel vlogger known for exploration of ex-soviet countries) delivered an absolute gem of gonzo journalism.

In 2023, with another travel vlogger called Timmy Karter, they challenged themselves to follow the migrant trail from Venezuela to Mexico. The Venezuelan population is hit by a severe crisis , forcing individuals to flee the country for hopes of a better life.

In a three-part video series, Bald and Bankrupt gives us a window on the extreme dangers these people face. We also witness their immense desire to build a better life, and the bravery they are made of.

What will these people become? How will these migrant child grow up? There are tons of unanswered questions coming out of this must watch documentary.  

posted by marc.in.space in
  • gonzo

Counter-Print Books

I've let my passion for graphic design slide for far too long, and now I'm on a mission to rekindle that flame. A finely crafted design has always had the ability to catch my eye in a way nothing else does. I'm incredibly thankful to have stumbled upon some stellar graphic design books from UK publisher Counter-Print during a casual wander through a museum library. I snagged two books: Optic, and Colour Clash.

Optic zeroes in on the optical effects in graphic design, exploring techniques that were first pioneered in the 1960s.

Colour Clash explores unexpected colour palettes that, against all odds, just work. It's a concept that's somewhat elusive to me since, in my mind, this is how things should naturally be.

These books? Pure visual and intellectual candy. They're a rich well of inspiration, creativity, and joy.

Graphic Design infiltrates every aspect of our lives, and I'm convinced we'd all benefit from a higher standard of it. The aesthetic of the web has disappointed us in many ways. Just like a city can embody a unique design signature, I'm eagerly awaiting the dawn of a bolder era in web design.

posted by marc.in.space in
  • books
  • graphic design

Steve Jobs on Branding

While searching for Branding on the HackerNews search engine, I found this video of Steve Jobs wearing shorts and explaining to a small crowd his take on marketing is full of small knowledge gems on branding. It's a small talk on the Big Why we're actually waking up in the morning. 

Marketing is about values.In a very noisy world, we have to be very clear in what we want the world to know about us.One of the greatest jobs of marketing is Nike. Remember: Nike sells a commodity. They sell shoes. And yet, when you think of Nike, you feel something different than a shoe company. And their ads, as you know, they don't ever talk about the product. Where's Nike doing their advertising? They honors great athletes and they honor great athletics. That's who they are. That's what they are about.Our customers want to know what is Apple and what is it that we stand for. Where do we fit in this world? What we're about isn't making boxes for people to get their job done, although we do that well. But Apple is about something more than that. Apple, at the core, it's core value is that we believe that people with passion can change the world for the better.Those people that are crazy enough to think they can change the world are the ones that actually do.Values and core values. Those things shouldn't change. The things that Apple believed in at its core are the same things that Apple really stand for today.
posted by marc.in.space in
  • marketing

Jay Vogt: Facilitation is changing the way the world meet

While looking for gold nuggets of knowledge on Facilitation, the YouTube algorithm recommended me this video. The author talks about how his choice of studies and his activism days taught him everything about conducting a great meeting. 

I had this unbelievable insight. The way you design a meeting shapes the behavior of participants. If you design it for democratic values, for collaboration and mutuality in exchange, that what you get. If you design it (or don't design it) in another way, you get discord and conflict and hierarchy. The key is in the meeting facilitator.

When I facilitate meetings, I'm designing a temporary environment in which work gets done. So, I'm really thinking like an architect. When I design an agenda to help an individual see the world in new ways, I'm really thinking like a psychologist. When I design a series of meetings over time to help an organization change its culture, I'm really thinking like an anthropologist.

Winston Churchill said: "We shape our buildings and they in turn shape us.". I'm fond of saying "We shape our meetings, and they in turn shape us."

posted by marc.in.space in
  • facilitation